Do, you ever tried to change the monitor brightness using PowerShell. If not, than go and try it. It’s too cool. You can use...
Create Software Inventory of Remote Machines/Servers using Powershell.
Hi, Sometime i think that my Powershell blog postings are mainly TASK Based, i think my most of the post are related to “How to...
IP Address Release, Renew using PowerShell.
Hi, This is a very common task which is nearly performed by every End-user and IT Admin and Engineers. Normally we use "IPCONFIG /Release"...
List of useful WMI classes to use with PowerShell.
Hi, Here is the list of some useful WMI Classes :). ClassName Contains win32_ComputerSystemProduct Serial Number, Vendor, information win32_bios Bios Information , including Version...
Uninstall Software using PowerShell
Hi, today i was trying to uninstall the the software using PowerShell. i See few blog posts about uninstalling software using PowerShell they re...
Creating System Footprints using PowerShell
WMI can retrieve a lot more object instances than you might think. If you submit a parent class, Get-WmiObject returns all instances of...
Removing Shares (Remotely, Too) using PowerShell
PowerTip of the Day, from Removing Shares (Remotely, Too) In a previous tip you learned how you can create ad-hoc shares using...
Creating Shares Remotely using Powershell
PowerTip of the Day, from Let's assume you need to access another machine's file system but there is no network share available....
“Enable or Disable” Network adapters using Powershell.
Hi, In our IT environment we don’t give “admin” rights to the normal users and they can’t enable/disable, install/un-install anything. Today one of our...
Find the List of Installed software using WMI and PowerShell.
Hi, how you find the which software is installed on your computer, most of users answered in “Control Panel” , yes it is right...