Four Best Free Software for IT Administrators.
Hi, There are millions of software available on the internet, lots of them are free and lots of them are paid. Sometimes we thinks that...
Z-Hire: New User Provisioning App for AD, Lync, Exchange and Office 365
Hi, One of my good friend Denny make this an Awesome Application Z-Hire and the best part of this application is this is free. Here...
I have one of the top 10% most viewed LinkedIn profiles
Hi, I don’t know what its means exactly but it gives a feel good factor . Thanks Aman Dhally
Happy New Year 2013
Hi Everyone. On this new year our resolution may be To face our challenges with courage and confidence, To spread love and affection to our...
Google Paid Tribute to the DELHI RAPE victim….thanks a lot GOOGLE.
Hi, Today when i open today i saw a candle in the bottom of the Google search box. and when i hover my mouse...
I am father Now!!!
Hi, I do believe in that Life is about sharing happiness with other. Last week on 16th October 2012 god has blessed me and...
TechED 2012 Bangalore, INDIA ..Memories..
Hi, I think that i never shared my Tech_Ed 2012 pictures with you .. Here are the Few Clicks.. View Full Album Thanks Aman...
Thanks Microsoft.
HI, I am just thanking Microsoft and UGSS Group for sending the 4 hard copies of " Microsoft Office 365, Connect and Collaborate virtually...
Webcast and Meeting Slides and Event Pictures.
Hi, Thanks a lots to everyone who joined our "User Group Meeting" personally and on a Webcast. Thanks to appreciates my efforts and thanks...