Hi, After deployment of Reporting Server for SCOM we test the working of Reporting Server by generating few “Windows Generic Reports” manually and they works...
SCOM: Run As Account does not exist on the target system or does not have enough permissions [MS SQL server 2008]
Hi, Yesterday my SQL Server Management Pack reporting that it is facing some problem with “run as accounts” it says either “run as accounts does...
SCOM: Event ID “2000”
Hi, Today I check my SCOM windows event log and saw some error logs with “EVENT ID 2000”. Complaining about that the one of my ...
SCOM: Event ID “33333” in SCOM from Source “DataAccesslayer”
Hi, From past few days i am getting Event ID code “33333” from source “DataAccesslayer” in Operations Manager Log of my RMS. This events are...
SCOM: SCOM not recognising SQL Server 2008 and Reporting Services installed
HiYesterday I planned to install “Reporting Server” and “Data Warehouse” for SCOM on Microsoft SQL Server 2008. So to implement it i setup a new...
SCOM: How to Backup System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2
HI All, Yesterday I was working on “How to Backup System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2”. I go through different document and posts and read...
SCOM: Monitoring Windows Event Logs Using SCOM
HI, All In my IT environment I am using “Symantec Backup Exec” to backup the data of the servers. from past few days some Backup...
SCOM: Monitor a custom Services on Windows server 2003
Hi, AllFew days back I was trying to monitor a ISCSI service on my one of Windows Server. But I was not get succeed to do it....
SCOM: “Event Log ID 20070” on managed Computers
Hi,Today I manually installed SCOM agent on one of my remote servers. After installation when i checked the status of that server it shown me...
SCOM: “Failed Accessing Windows Event Log” Error
Hi All,Few days back I imported the DHCP Management Pack for SCOM. After importing I start getting Failed "Accessing windows Event Log" errors on Alert...