The "Law of Attraction", did you ever heard about it? Or ever hear this word before? No? Even I was also not aware from it,...
Self-Improvement: The fifth step :Write the list of your dreams, and then chase them.
Dreams!!! We all love dreams!! Isn’t! I also do love them a lot. There are two types of dreams, and one those we see...
Self-Improvement: The third step : Write down the things, which you love to do.
Everyone has some hobbies, and everyone love to do something, like reading books, playing cricket, golf or go for walk in the morning. “We feel...
Self-Improvement: The Second Step: Write down your strengths.
After noted down mine (your) weaknesses, the next steps is to note down my (yours) strengths. It’s is another important step for me (us) for...
Self-Improvement: The First Step – Write down your weaknesses.
We can’t improve ourselves, until we do our self-examination first. We should be aware about our Weaknesses, Distractions, Strengths, Things which we love...