HI, I love to easy my workload using Powershell. I love the way in powershell work, easy to use and easy to learn. I always...
Powershell Tricks : Use Windows System Sounds in your Powershell Scripts
Hi, In my script i love to add notifications normally i use default beep sound. Few of my script which runs in background while i...
powershell & Active Directory: Find all users who have “Password Never Expires” enabled using Powershell.
Hi, In domain controller environment we all have some password policies set. In some organizations the users password is expired in 60 days in some...
Powershell Trick : Make an email ID using user Environment Variables and powershell
Hi, Last Friday i was working on one script, that script send an email to a “Service Desk” system. But that script required an email...
Powershell and Active Directory: Powershell based GUI Application to create Group in AD.
Hi, GUI are for dumbs and for lazy likes me or for beginners. Few days ago a new IT guy joined our company, he is...
Powershell and Active Directory: Maintains the Leavers of your Company using powershell GUI based Application.
HI, Like every IT Administrator we have to create user accounts when someone joined the company and also delete and reset the account when...
Powershell & VMware: “Stopping” running Virtual Machines on VMware server using PowerCLI.
Hi, The one of the main task as a administrator we do is shutting down and powering on the machines :) . Let see...
Reset “Internet Explorer” Settings to default using PowerShell script.
Hi, Few days back we deployed an internal software, that software is Web based application, and users just need to open it on their...
Our Group is a part of “O’Reilly User Group Program” now…
Hi Guys, Our group is now the part of "O'Reilly User Group Program". Thanks "O'Reilly to approve our membership, and thanks for your supports...
Powershell and VMware: “Get the list of all Virtual machines on VMware VSphere Server using PowerCLI.
HI, In my first post about "Getting Started with VMware Vshpere PowerCLI" i already showed how to connect with VMware server. Our today's task...