Lord Budda once said "The Trouble is, You think, You Have Time". This words are so true. We all having a busy life, and we...
Day 37 of Self Improvement : When life is Challenging you!
Life is like a roller-coaster sometime smooth and sometime bumpy, sometime you are on the top and sometime you are on bottom. Sometime you were...
Day 36 of Self Improvement : Gratitude
Gratitude, is a magical word. I am not sure if you know the power of it. I learned and read about gratitude about few months ago....
Day 35 of Self Improvement : Always Prepare for the Worst.
Life is showing me lots of variety of surprises these days. Those things are happening to me, those I have never dreamed in my life...
Day 34 of Self Improvement : Control your Emotions
Emotions are biggest enemies and the best friend too. I do feel sometimes, that, this world is made from emotions. Sometime Emotion make us brave...
Day 33 of Self Improvement : Everything will be left behind.
In our whole life time span, we do spent our lives in collecting money, houses, Gold, diamonds etc. The carve for more material item never...
Day 32 of Self Improvement : Death is the Only Truth.
Today, One of our extended family member died. She was my Aunty, Sister of my mother. She was very close to me and our family....
Day 31 of Self Improvement : Leap of Faith.
I hope, that you have heard about "Leap of faith". When things are of your hands, and when you need to trust on your intuitions,...
Day 30 of Self Improvement : Never Stop learning.
Learning, these eight words had changed the human race. Learning is the key of why we do exists, we learn, how to make fire and...
Day 29 of Self Improvement : Don’t let feeling overshadowed you.
Feeling, are your strength if they are good, caring, inspiring, motivating, but they are biggest enemy if they are bad, sad, demotivating, related to work...