Hi. If you are working in an MNC and you are multiple remote office then one thing is sure that you are visiting few TIME...
Get Network Information of local and remote Computers using PowerShell.
Hi, Last Sunday one of my friend come to visit me at my home, he is a SQL Administrator and we were talking about Powershell,...
Find Folders Using PowerShell
Hi, I my previous post i wrote about “How to search for files using Powershell” . In this post i am writing about “How to...
Find Files Using Powershell.
Hi, This seems a easy Topic, but as you know in my articles i always tries to cover tasks rather then techniques. The main benefits...
Let’s Play with DATE using Powershell.
Hi, In scripts the DATE is very useful, in my most of the scripts i always use $DATE variable. This became very handy when you...
Powershell and Active Directory: Get Your Active Directory Forest and Domain Information using Powershell.
Hi, Sometime a situation comes when you want to know about your Active Directory Infrastructure. That what is your AD Forest Name is, how many...