Hi, yesterday one of my users laptop get infected with virus. After removal of virus i saw that “Virus” hide every file and folder...
How to find Hidden files and Folders using PowerShell.
Hi, In Old days when we need to saw the hidden files we used Dir /a command to view them. If you don't know...
Part-3: Text Manipulation in PowerShell using .StartsWith() and EndsWith() methods
Part-1: http://newdelhipowershellusergroup.blogspot.com/2012/01/part-1-text-manipulation-in-powershell.html | using Trim(),TrimEnd(),TrimStart() Part-2: http://newdelhipowershellusergroup.blogspot.com/2012/01/part-2-text-manipulation-in-powershell.html | ToUpper(),ToLower() Hi, Today we are going to use .StartsWith() and .EndsWith() methods to play with our...
Part-2: Text Manipulation in PowerShell using .ToLower and .ToUpper method
Part-1: http://newdelhipowershellusergroup.blogspot.com/2012/01/part-1-text-manipulation-in-powershell.html Hi, In part-1 of text manipulation we saw how to use .Trim(),.TrimStart() and TrimEnd() method. Today we will see how to use...
Part-1: Text Manipulation in PowerShell using Trim, TrimStart , TrimEnd methods
Hi, Did you ever tried to use .Trim() method on a string and can’t get it working? if yes ? Then welcome to the...
Uninstall Software using PowerShell
Hi, today i was trying to uninstall the the software using PowerShell. i See few blog posts about uninstalling software using PowerShell they re...
“Agent and Operating System architecture are the same – Agent” error in SCOM
Hi As the above error is quite simple to read. It is saying that “Agent and Operating System architecture are the same” but actually meaning...
How to use –Exclude switch in Remove-Item cmdlet in PowerShell
Hi, today i was trying to remove some junk folders and files in a specific folder. But i don’t want to remove all of file...
How to Deploy or Install Audit Collection Services (ACS) in SCOM 2007 R2
Hi all, Q: what is Audit Collection Service (ACS) Answer: In Operations Manager 2007, you can use Audit Collection Services (ACS) to collect records generated...
Alias and Powershell profiles
Hi All I love “RUN” box. We can open run box “Windows Key + R” and type the Excel, Powerpoint, and click on OK...