PowerTip of the Day, from PowerShell.com: By using WMI, you can enumerate the start mode that you want your services to use. To...
Change Service Start Mode using PowerShell
PowerTip of the Day, from PowerShell.com: You can use WMI like this if you want to change a service start mode:([wmi]'Win32_Service.Name="Spooler"').ChangeStartMode('Automatic').ReturnValue([wmi]'Win32_Service.Name="Spooler"').ChangeStartMode('Manual').ReturnValue Note that a...
How to find “Stopped” windows Services, whose start up mode is set to “Automatic” using PowerShell.
Hi, I called these services as “Problematic services”. The start-up mode of these services are “Automatically” so that whenever windows starts or reboot these services...