PowerTip of the Day, from PowerShell.com Out-GridView is a great way to present results in a “mini-Excel” sheet: Get-Process | Out-GridView However, Out-GridView...
Writing Registry Key Default Values
PowerTip of the Day, from PowerShell.com: If you need to set the default value for a Registry Key, you can use either of...
How to List Registry Hives
PowerTip of the Day, from PowerShell.com: Use the provider name instead of a drive name when you need to get a list of all...
Determining Service Start Modes using PowerShell
PowerTip of the Day, from PowerShell.com: By using WMI, you can enumerate the start mode that you want your services to use. To...
Change Service Start Mode using PowerShell
PowerTip of the Day, from PowerShell.com: You can use WMI like this if you want to change a service start mode:([wmi]'Win32_Service.Name="Spooler"').ChangeStartMode('Automatic').ReturnValue([wmi]'Win32_Service.Name="Spooler"').ChangeStartMode('Manual').ReturnValue Note that a...
Finding IP and MAC address
PowerTip of the Day, from PowerShell.com: Finding IP and MAC address When you query network adapters with WMI, it is not easy to...
Finding Network Adapter Data Based On Connection Name
PowerTip of the Day, from PowerShell.com Sometimes it would be nice to be able to access network adapter configuration based on the name of...
Outputting Text Reports without Truncating
PowerTip of the Day, from PowerShell.com:If you want to capture PowerShell results in a text file, you can redirect the results or pipe them to...
Converting User Names to SIDs using PowerShell
PowerTip of the Day, from PowerShell.com: Converting User Names to SIDs If you want to translate a valid user name to its security identifier...