1. Introduction of Windows PowerShell “Desired State Configuration”. 2. Installing Windows PowerShell 4.0 [Windows Management Framework 4.0]. 3. Getting Started With Desired State Configuration: DSC...
Run your first "DSC" PowerShell Script.
1. Introduction of Windows PowerShell “Desired State Configuration” 2. Installing Windows PowerShell 4.0 [Windows Management Framework 4.0] 3. Getting Started With Desired State Configuration: DSC...
Write your First Desired State Configuration Script using ROLE Resource.
1. Introduction of Windows PowerShell "Desired State Configuration" 2. Installing Windows PowerShell 4.0 [Windows Management Framework 4.0] 3. Getting Started With Desired State Configuration:...
Review of Desired State Configuration : The 3 easy steps.
1. Introduction of Windows PowerShell "Desired State Configuration" 2. Installing Windows PowerShell 4.0 [Windows Management Framework 4.0] 3. Getting Started With Desired State...
Getting Started With Desired State Configuration: DSC Syntax
1. Introduction of Windows PowerShell "Desired State Configuration"2. Installing Windows PowerShell 4.0 [Windows Management Framework 4.0] The Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration is mainly contains...
Installing Windows PowerShell 4.0 [Windows Management Framework 4.0]
Quote of the Day : “Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try...
Introduction of Windows PowerShell "Desired State Configuration"
Did you heard about “PowerShell DSC”? NO? You must me kidding me!! Come on, these days it is more famous and in demand...
PowerShell Tips : Joining paths using Join-Path cmdlet
Quote of the Day : "“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up”...
PowerShell Event : Join me at Global Windows Azure BootCamp 2014
Global Windows Azure BootCamp 2014 Saturday, March 29, 2014 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (IST) Noida, India Register here : http://www.eventbrite.com/e/global-windows-azure-bootcamp-2014-tickets-10829554489?aff=es2&rank=1&sid=e7a33c45b3e211e3b5731231391edcec Event Details...
PowerShell Tips: Change The Foreground Colour of PowerShell console using .net and PowerShell. and ,Happy Holi
Quote of the day “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. –Arthur Ashe” So, it’s nearly weekend. ...