Hi, In my previous Article i post about how to create encrypted folder using powershell script. In encryption the most important thing is the backup...
Find Folders Using PowerShell
Hi, I my previous post i wrote about “How to search for files using Powershell” . In this post i am writing about “How to...
Find Files Using Powershell.
Hi, This seems a easy Topic, but as you know in my articles i always tries to cover tasks rather then techniques. The main benefits...
Script to reset “Hidden files and folders” to normal using PowerShell
Hi, yesterday one of my users laptop get infected with virus. After removal of virus i saw that “Virus” hide every file and folder...
How to find Hidden files and Folders using PowerShell.
Hi, In Old days when we need to saw the hidden files we used Dir /a command to view them. If you don't know...
“Find how many types of files you have in you laptop” using Powershell.
Hi Today i was searching for one PDF file on my laptop and then I just thinks “How Many PDF files do i have?”,...