PowerShell Basics Part-1: Single Quotes (') and Double Quotes ("") in PowerShell. Hi, As i mentioned in the previous article that in the...
PowerShell Basics Part-1: Single Quotes (‘) and Double Quotes (“”) in PowerShell.
Hi, When new users start working on PowerShell the the main problem which they have faced is basic of PowerShell or we can say...
IP Address Release, Renew using PowerShell.
Hi, This is a very common task which is nearly performed by every End-user and IT Admin and Engineers. Normally we use "IPCONFIG /Release"...
Desktop Explorer Tool based on PowerShell.
Hi, If you are IT admin like me and supporting remote users, the main problem comes when you are troubleshooting with them. Like ask...
Get an Average Ping Response time of multiple Servers using PowerShell.
Hi, If you are an IT admin, then I am sure you are using PING command everyday. In PowerShell we have an Test-Connection command...
Webcast and Meeting Slides and Event Pictures.
Hi, Thanks a lots to everyone who joined our "User Group Meeting" personally and on a Webcast. Thanks to appreciates my efforts and thanks...
PowerShell Webcast.
PowerShell Webcast Join us for a Webinar on March 10 Space is limited.Reserve your Webinar seat now at:https://www4.gotomeeting.com/register/719114255 The first web cast on Powershell....
Create a hardware Inventory using PowerShell.
Hi, The basic idea of this script to find the Parts Number and Serial Number of installed hardware. For example serial Number of Hard...
New Delhi PowerShell User Group Meeting.
Hi,Finally we are doing our first PowerShell User Group Meeting. Please Check below for Details.I am also planning to do the Live Meeting also. and...
Remove Computer Account from All Domain controllers using PowerShell
Hi, If you are using Active Directory environment in you infrastructure then you does the one thing for sure , remove / add computers...