Hi, Today I was looking for a little PowerShell script which can Ping multiple servers and give a consolidated view on PowerShell console that...
How to create and change “Windows Registry Keys” using PowerShell.
Hi, The Best thing about PowerShell is that you can manipulate “windows Registry Keys” very easily with it. How? Let me show to you....
How to create New files using PowerShell.
Hi Yes Yes I know its very Simple, But I love to share :) , I know may be everyone know how to create...
How to create a New folder using PowerShell.
Hi, I know it is very simple to do :) , but sometime dumb like me don’t know how to do it . Or...
Use “PowerCfg.exe” to change “Power Scheme” of the system with the help of “PowerShell”
Hi, In my office everyone is using Different “Power Schemes” on there systems. it’s good but sometime it cause little problems sometime Somebody complains...
Close multiple “Not responding” Processes or Applications using “PowerShell”
Hi, Yesterday I was working on Powerpoint, Word, and Excel simultaneously and the files which i have opened in these programs was very heavy...